Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008


Helo2, blog ini dibuat buat Tahu apa sih technology itu, sebenernya aku masih cupu juga, tapi semoga bermanfaat wat dikopi paste, hagagaga...
tapi bentar yak, sorry under construction,
but as soon as possible.
in these web will be coming downloads file, the information of technology, and of course my hobbies information such as skateboard, taekwondo, traveling, and many more. maybe i will build some bussiness in these web. legal^^

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mau pesen mie ayam, bakso, nasi goreng, dan laen2, yang pokoke mak nyus?
ya jangan da sini, hehehe...tapi kalo mau kasi saran n kritik pedes jg gpp di sini tempatnya ^^

aku tu gimana???

biar bisa diliat di hp